International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2024, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Part B

Multidetector computed tomography evaluation of optic nerve canal in relation to posterior paranasal sinuses in Nepalese people
Dr. Subaj Bhattarai, Dr. Bikash Bikram Singh Adhikari and Dr. Hom Prasad Pant
Objective: The aim of this descriptive cross sectional study was to assess the relationship of optic nerve canal with posterior paranasal sinuses on multidetector computed tomography of paranasal sinus performed at our tertiary level hospital.
Methodology: Study was carried out in 216 optic nerve canals of 108 participants (66 male and 42 female) who were referred for the computed tomography of paranasal sinus to the Department of Radiology, NAMS, Bir Hospital, Kathmandu. Volumetric Non Contrast CT scan of paranasal sinus was done in Philips 128 multislice CT scan machine keeping 0.65 mm axial slice thickness, 120 kV and auto mA current with multiplanar reconstruction on dedicated workstation. We included patients who were referred to our department for computed tomography of paranasal sinus and more than 16 years of age. Exclusion criteria were the patients who had undergone nasal surgery and who had history of significant trauma. Computed tomography findings of each optic nerve canal was interpreted mainly for the relationship with paranasal sinuses by two radiologists independently. Optic nerve canal was categorized into four types according to the modified DeLano et al. classification on coronal reconstruction. Presence of Onodi cells, bony dehiscence around optic nerve and pneumatization of anterior clinoid process were noted separately. SPSS 20 was used for entry and analysis of the collected data.
Result: Among 216 optic nerve canals of 108 patients, Type 1 canal was seen most commonly in 63.4% followed by 16.7% Type 2, 12.5% Type 3 and 7.4% Type 4 canal. Most of the canals showed bilaterally symmetrical pattern. Onodi cells, bony dehiscence around optic canal and pneumatization of anterior clinoid process were seen in 12.9%, 19.4% and 15.3% cases respectively. Presence of bony dehiscence and pneumatization of anterior clinoid process were significantly associated with Type 3 optic nerve canals (p value < 0.05).
Conclusion: CT scan is indicated for preoperative evaluation of the relationship of optic nerve canal with posterior paranasal sinus before Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery to avoid any unintended injury to optic nerve during surgery. Type of optic nerve canal and presence of Onodi cells, bony dehiscence and pneumatization of anterior clinoid process can be diagnosed by multidetector computed tomography, which can reduce the complications during and after surgery.
Pages: 136-140 | Views: 220 | Downloads: 81

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Subaj Bhattarai, Dr. Bikash Bikram Singh Adhikari, Dr. Hom Prasad Pant. Multidetector computed tomography evaluation of optic nerve canal in relation to posterior paranasal sinuses in Nepalese people. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2024;7(3):136-140. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2024.v7.i3b.407
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