International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2024, Vol. 7, Issue 1, Part A

A study of role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of traumatic knee joint injuries
Dr. Vaibhavi Chavda and Dr. Dipti A Shah
Background: MR examination, a noninvasive modality, is now routinely used to assess a wide spectrum of internal knee derangements and articular disorders and has virtually replaced conventional arthrography in the evaluation of the menisci and the cruciate ligaments. It is noninvasive, does not involve ionizing radiation and has multiplanar capability with excellent soft tissue demonstration. Therefore, MRI has become the imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of the painful knee following injury. It can detect soft tissue abnormalities (meniscal, cruciate, collateral ligament tears) and microtrabecular fractures that cannot be detected by plain film.
Materials and Methods: The study was undertaken from June 2023 to November 2023 after obtaining Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval in patients referred to the department of Radio diagnosis, Narendra Modi Medical College & L.G hospital, Ahmedabad. The study population consisted first 200 cases with suspected traumatic knee joint injuries and with supportive MRI findings.
Results: In this study of 200 patients, 115 patients were male while 85 patients were female. The most common age group affected was 15-25 years. In this study, the most common injury was anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear of which complete tear was more common. Posterior cruciate ligament tears (6.5%) were less common. Among the meniscal injuries medial meniscal tears were more common than lateral meniscal tear and horizontal tears were more common in both. Other abnormalities like discoid meniscus (1 patient), hemarthrosis (2 patients), joint effusions (162 patients), bony contusions and other myotendinous tears were accurately detected and characterized with the help of magnetic resonance imaging.
Conclusion: MRI is an excellent, noninvasive, radiation free imaging modality with multiplanar capabilities and excellent soft tissue delineation. It can accurately detect, localize and characterize various internal derangements of the knee joint and help in arriving at a correct anatomical diagnosis thereby guiding further management of the patient. MRI has high accuracy for preoperative detection of meniscal tears. In addition, it allows accurate characterization of various tear patterns, which can be instrumental for patient counseling and surgical planning. In addition to diagnostic benefits and in the selection of surgical candidates with preoperative planning, MRI has proved valuable. Further, improved patient–doctor communication and cost effectiveness of MRI knee studies has contributed to their greater acceptance by the orthopaedic community.
Pages: 31-39 | Views: 444 | Downloads: 218

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Vaibhavi Chavda, Dr. Dipti A Shah. A study of role of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of traumatic knee joint injuries. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2024;7(1):31-39. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2024.v7.i1a.369
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