AbstractBackground: Focal thyroid nodule/ nodules (TN) can either be benign or malignant. Only clinical and laboratory assessment are not sufficient to identify nature of thyroid nodule. So imaging is mandatory most of the time. Ultrasound is most widely used imaging technique as it is safe, cheap, time saving and highly sensitive and specific in many characteristic thyroid nodules. The color doppler provides good advantage to evaluate vascularity of thyroid nodules and also helps to differentiate benign and malignant lesions. Ultrasound-based elastography enables the determination of tissue elasticity and guides for the nature of the nodule.
Methodology: Patients of any age/ gender were included who were diagnosed having focal solitary/multiple thyroid nodule/ nodules primarily on Ultrasound, Color Doppler & Elastography study and Undergone Histopathological examination. All patients were excluded who didn't give consent for participation in the study & patients with diffuse disease of thyroid gland e.g. thyroiditis.
Results: Among 108 patients 100 were suspected to have benign thyroid nodule and 8 were suspected to have malignant thyroid nodule as per sonographic findings which well correlate with its histological findings as 96 nodules were found to be benign and 12 nodules were found to be malignant. Characteristics like wider than taller, smooth margins, anechoic to hyperechoic, with no / minimal color flow and appearing softer on elastography favors benignicity. However features like taller than wider, lobulated irregular marginated, hypoechoic to very hypoechoic, internal microcalcification, with significant internal and peripheral color flow and appearing stiffer on elastography favors malignancy.
Conclusions: Ultrasonography is very helpful to differentiate between benign and malignant thyroid nodule aided color Doppler and elastography findings. Strain Elastography has a high sensitivity and specificity in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. This technique might be useful in conjunction of FNA to select patients with thyroid nodules for surgery.