International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2023, Vol. 6, Issue 3, Part A

Dual energy computed tomography of focal lesions of the liver with iodine mapping
Dr. Surbhi, Dr. Sachin Khanduri, Dr. Vaibhav Pathak, Dr. Ashkrit Gupta, Dr. Zaara Khan, Dr. Rohit, Dr. Somya Singhal and Dr. Avani Kanojia
Introduction: Liver is an important constituent of the digestive tract and is involved in maintenance of the body’s metabolic homeostasis. Liver cancer is a major cancer in less developed countries where 83% of worldwide incidence of new cases has been reported with China alone accounting for nearly 50% of new incident cases of liver cancer. As per an estimate about 7 Lakhs death due to hepatocellular carcinoma occur annually.
Aim: To compare the imaging findings of focal hepatic lesions by dual-energy computed tomography, multi-detector computed tomography, and ultrasonography and its follow up by medical treatment/aspiration/biopsy.
Methods: All individuals with suggested liver illness and undergoing liver imaging were included and all of them underwent Ultrasound, MDCT and DECT protocol. Analysis of radiological images and/or verification of the lesion type by biopsy/ aspiration, surgery, or follow-up was done.
Results: Though majority of the malignancies were detected by the USG (75.0%), USG underdiagnosed malignancies in 3 of the cases. Diagnostic accuracy of USG was found to be 93.8%. Though majority of the malignancies were detected by MDCT (91.7%), MDCT undiagnosed malignancies in 1 of the cases. Diagnostic accuracy of MDCT was found to be 98.5%. All the cases with malignancies were accurately detected by the DECT (100.0%), all Benign cases were also accurately detected by DECT (100.0%). Thus, Diagnostic accuracy of DECT was found to be 100.0% with the help of iodine concentration mapping.
Conclusion: In this study, we have concluded that iodine quantification using dual energy computed tomography is helpful in characterisation and follow-up after treatment of liver lesions. Thus DECT with the help of iodine quantification can be used as a highly specific and sensitive imaging modality for malignant and benign liver lesions as compared to MDCT and USG.
Pages: 10-16 | Views: 834 | Downloads: 452

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Surbhi, Dr. Sachin Khanduri, Dr. Vaibhav Pathak, Dr. Ashkrit Gupta, Dr. Zaara Khan, Dr. Rohit, Dr. Somya Singhal, Dr. Avani Kanojia. Dual energy computed tomography of focal lesions of the liver with iodine mapping. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2023;6(3):10-16. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2023.v6.i3a.337
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