AbstractAIM: To evaluate the role of CECT in diagnosis of common and rare complications of pancreatitis.
Materials and Methods:
Type of study: Retrospective study.
Place of study: Dept. of Radio Diagnosis, KIMS, NARKETPALLY.
Sample size: 129
Duration of study: 1st October 2019-30th September 2020 (12 months).
Inclusion criteria: Patients with clinical features and/or laboratory findings and/or ultrasonography findings of acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis.
Results: 129 subjects were included in the study, among which 88.3% were males. Most of them belonged to the 31-40years age group. On CECT, Acute peri-pancreatic fluid collection was seen in 43.4%, acute necrotic collection in 5.4%, Pseudocysts in 16.2% including rare locations like renal subcapsular, hepatic subcapsular, splenic subcapsular, perinephric and retrovesical sites and walled-off necrosis in 4.6%. Vascular complications were seen in 24.8%, among which, thrombosis was seen in 20%, pseudo-aneurysm in 0.7%, hemorrhage in 3.1% and collaterals in 10% of the cases. Pancreatico-pleural fistula was seen in 2.3%, Traumatic pancreatitis in 1.5%, groove pancreatitis in 0.7%, ascites in 72.8% and Pleural effusion was seen in 43.4% of the cases.
Conclusion: Pancreatitis is associated with a wide variety of complications. Some complications of pancreatitis have atypical presentations. CECT plays an important role in diagnosing these complications, guiding management and reducing morbidity