International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2021, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Part B

Assessment of regional cerebral blood flow using dual energy multi detector computed tomography perfusion in patients of depression
Dr. Sachin Khanduri, Dr. Farzan Khan, Dr. Nazia Khan, Dr. Saif Malik, Dr. Mridul Rajurkar and Dr. Harshika Singh
Background: Major depressive disorder (MDD) involves a wide variety of psychobiological syndromes with the central characteristics of depressed mood and/or lack of interest associated with cognitive and somatic conditions, resulting in severe deterioration of function. Established correlation between depression and Regional cerebral hypoperfusion in specific areas by several SPECT studies. Aimed to assess changes In Regional Cerebral Blood Flow by CT Perfusion In patients of Depression.
Material and Method: This prospective follow-up study conducted for duration of 18 months at Department of Radiodiagnosis, Era’s Lucknow Medical University, and Lucknow. Included all the patients aged between 18-40ys with newly diagnosed major depression fulfilling the ICD-10 criteria. Selected patients to undergo rCBF assessment before and after treatment by SIEMENS Somatom Force 384 Slice MDCT. The depression score was measured using questionnaire based with HAMD.
Result: Total of 40 patients who met the inclusion criteria were included in present study after obtaining the informed consent from all. Majority of the patients were in age group of 18-30yrs of age. Majority of the patients were female than male. The depression score (HAMD) was significantly reduced at the 2nd visit (14.01±1.63) compared to the 1st visit (16.12±2.10). There was a significant improvement in the mean cerebral blood flow at 2nd visit compared to the 1st visit in various regions included as ACA, MCA and PCA of right and left side.
Conclusion: The patients with depression are characterized by a wide range of cerebral blood flow impairments and there appear to be more prominent changes. The 384 slice MDCT appears to be a potentially useful tool for measuring rCBF, with advantages over existing instruments. This technique could be employed in psychiatric settings for biomarker, diagnostic and treatment response purposes.
Pages: 104-108 | Views: 1529 | Downloads: 740

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sachin Khanduri, Dr. Farzan Khan, Dr. Nazia Khan, Dr. Saif Malik, Dr. Mridul Rajurkar, Dr. Harshika Singh. Assessment of regional cerebral blood flow using dual energy multi detector computed tomography perfusion in patients of depression. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2021;4(2):104-108. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2021.v4.i2b.205
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