2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B
Correlation of imaging findings with clinical examination: Traumatic knee
Dr. Arunkumar K and Dr. Bevinagidad Shreevijay
Impaction and distraction injuries have different characteristic appearances on MR Images. Impaction causes bone marrow edema. On MR images, trabecular contusion has the appearance of bone marrow edema. Ligament damage is a common and important distraction injury, with numerous MRI manifestations. A prospective study consisting of 50 patients with traumatic knee joint is undertaken to study the spectrum of MRI findings in all consecutive cases of knee trauma referred from orthopaedic OPD. Out of 50 patients studied, 18 (64.3%) patients were exposed for both Lachman’s test and ACL tear. In 10 (35.7%) patients ACL tear were not suspected clinically on Lachman’s test but were detected on MRI.
Pages: 92-95 | Views: 1526 | Downloads: 708
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arunkumar K, Dr. Bevinagidad Shreevijay. Correlation of imaging findings with clinical examination: Traumatic knee. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2021;4(1):92-95. DOI: