International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part B

A study on the distribution of osseous spine tumors in terms of age, sex and Incidence: MRI Study
Dr. Jacob Jose
Magnetic resonance is defined as the enhanced absorption of energy that occurs when the nuclei of atoms within an external magnetic field are exposed to radiofrequency energy at a specific frequency called "the Larmor frequency" The phenomenon was first reported in an article by Rals and co-workers in 1939. In the case of a patient with clinical suspicion of osseous spine tumor, a complete clinical history with special reference to neurological symptoms was taken, followed by general physical examination and detailed central nervous system examination. Other systems were also examined and findings were noted. Next, the procedure for MRI was explained to the patient and consent was taken. In this study, 42 patients were studied by MRI. The patients referred for MRI were those suspected to have osseous spine tumors. The sequences used were spin echo T1 Sagittal and axial, FSE T2 sagittal and axial, and GRE T2 axial. Gadolinium DTPA was administered as and when indicated.
Pages: 71-72 | Views: 1532 | Downloads: 723

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jacob Jose. A study on the distribution of osseous spine tumors in terms of age, sex and Incidence: MRI Study. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2021;4(1):71-72. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2021.v4.i1b.161
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