2020, Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part B
Location and characteristics of osseous spine tumors on MRI
Dr. Jacob Jose
The non-invasiveness of MRI and lack of known biologic hazards at current magnetic field strengths and radio frequency pulse sequences, ensure high patient tolerance. MRI can be performed on out patient basis, thus lowering the overall costs. In the case of a patient with clinical suspicion of osseous spine tumor, a complete clinical history with special reference to neurological symptoms was taken, followed by general physical examination and detailed central nervous system examination. Other systems were also examined and findings were noted. Next, the procedure for MRI was explained to the patient and consent was taken. A detailed history pertaining to the contraindications to MRI was taken. Ear plugs were provided to the patient to minimise noise within the gantry. The patient was then placed in supine position with head first inside the gantry. Proper positioning and immobilisation was done. 11 tumors of osseous spine were located in thoracic region, 8 in lumbar region, 6 in sacrococcygeal region and 2 in cervical region. Thoracic spine was the favoured site for tumors of osseous spine in this study.
Pages: 122-124 | Views: 1555 | Downloads: 767
How to cite this article:
Dr. Jacob Jose. Location and characteristics of osseous spine tumors on MRI. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2020;3(4):122-124. DOI: