AbstractIntroduction: Sellar and parasellar/juxtasellar regions are sophisticated areas of the brain, and varied types of tumors can present in this area. Preoperative non-invasive diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is essential for treatment planning.
Aim: The aim of this study is to characterize MRI features of the sellar and juxtasellar tumors and to correlate MRI diagnosis with histopathological diagnosis in order to evaluate the efficiency of MRI.
Materials and Methods: Patients with sellar and juxtasellar lesions who were operated during September 2017–May 2020 and the pathological reports were compared with the MRI findings retrospectively.
Results: 100 patients in total were enrolled for this study. Results were analysed and discussed.
Conclusions: The present study revealed a strong correlation between MRI and histopathological diagnosis for sellar and juxtasellar tumors. MRI is the modality of choice to distinguish and describe sellar- suprasellar lesions.