2020, Vol. 3, Issue 4, Part A
Assessment of the intraocular pathologies detected by preoperative B-Scan Ultrasound examination in patients having dense cataracts
Dr. Saurabh Sachar, Dr. Jyoti Sheoran and Dr. (Col) Sudhir Sachar
The present study was planned in the Department of Ophthalmology & Department of Radiodiagnosis & Imaging Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi with support from the Department of Radiodiagnosis & Imaging, Heritage Institute of Medical Sciences, Varanasi from September 2019 to February 2020. Total 100 patients of diagnosed age related cataracts were enrolled in the present study. Diagnostic B-Scan Ultrasonography was performed in these patients preoperatively. Detailed history was taken and examination with Slit Lamp and Tonometry were done. A. Scan Biometry was performed in all the cases. Informed consent was taken. B-Scan ultrasonography using a standard USG machine (Sonomed B5500) equipped with a real-time high- frequency probe with the contact method was done. B-scan is a good diagnostic modality for preoperative evaluation of posterior segment pathologies in the presence of cataract. B-Scan ultrasonography should be performed routinely in pre-operative assessment of cataract patients to diagnose pathologies of posterior segment that may influence the surgical strategy and visual prognosis of patients after cataract surgery. Diagnosing and characterizing the abnormalities with great accuracy by B-scan not only helps in preoperative cases but also changes the management of various other patients.
Pages: 21-26 | Views: 1976 | Downloads: 1057
How to cite this article:
Dr. Saurabh Sachar, Dr. Jyoti Sheoran, Dr. (Col) Sudhir Sachar. Assessment of the intraocular pathologies detected by preoperative B-Scan Ultrasound examination in patients having dense cataracts. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2020;3(4):21-26. DOI: