AbstractObjectives: To describe the structure and position of the sacropelvis, one typically uses terms like sacral slope, pelvic tilt, or pelvic incidence. Changes in the pelvis' shape and direction can impact the progression of degenerative disc disease in the lower back. Consequently, we investigated the relationships between the degrees of disc degeneration in young people and several sagittal spinopelvic features.
Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study enrolled fifty individuals. Participants reported either back or leg pain and had magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of prolapsed discs. This study was conducted at Department of General Medicine, Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Raj bandh, Durgapur, West Bengal, India. The LS spine was imaged from the dorsolumbar junction all the way to the mid-thigh while the patient was standing. The scannogram has a lot of spinopelvic characteristics measured.
Result: The typical age was 39.27 years old. It was Level L5S1 that was most common. There was a positive correlation between disc abnormalities at the L1L2, L2L3, and L4L5 levels and PT, PI, and LL. At the L5S1 level, PT and LL were positively associated with disc disease. An association between SS and degenerative spondylolisthesis at L4L5 was found to be statistically significant (P=0.023). An increased risk of degenerative spondylolisthesis at L4L5 is associated with higher SS. Elevated PT, PI, and LL exacerbate the L1L2 disc disease. As the levels of SS, PT, PI, and LL rise at L2L3, disc pathology will also increase. When the levels of SS, PT, PI, and LL rise at L4L5, disc pathology will become more severe. An increase in both PT and LL will exacerbate the disc disease at L5S1.
Conclusions: A standing lateral view radiograph, which extends from the dorso lumbar junction all the way to the middle of the thigh, is deemed equivalent to a standing whole spine radiograph when it comes to evaluating spinopelvic characteristics. There is a statistically significant correlation between elevated SS and L4L5 degenerative spondylolisthesis.