2020, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Part A
Isolated primary splenic hydatidosis: Series of four cases radiological and pathological evaluation
Dr. Samir Kathale, Dr. Yogesh Pawde and Dr. Tushar Ranjan Meher
Primary extrahepatic hydatid cysts are rare, and primary splenic hydatid cysts are even more rare, constituting 2% to 4% of all hydatid cysts [1, 2]. Liver is the commonest site of involvement by the hydatid disease followed by lungs. Other rare sites include kidney, spleen, bone, thyroid, breast, pancreas, heart and muscles. The larval form of the genus Echinococcus granulosus most commonly causes hydatid disease. The infestation of the spleen usually occurs through arterial route after the parasite has passed through hepatic and pulmonary filters. The retrograde venous route is also considered. In cases of cystic splenic lesions, hydatid disease should be always be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Pages: 32-35 | Views: 1765 | Downloads: 855
How to cite this article:
Dr. Samir Kathale, Dr. Yogesh Pawde, Dr. Tushar Ranjan Meher. Isolated primary splenic hydatidosis: Series of four cases radiological and pathological evaluation. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2020;3(3):32-35. DOI: