International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2020, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part B

A CT-based investigation of paranasal air sinuse anatomical varieties: An observational cross-sectional study
Harikrishna R and JG Mathews
Background and objective: Computed tomography (CT) scanning is the most common imaging method used to check the paranasal passages right now. This gives a useful anatomical view of the area and the most common changes in anatomy that can be seen. The point of this study was to use CT to look into changes in normal anatomy in the paranasal sinuses. To find out how often these changes happen.
Materials and Methods: This study was an observational cross-sectional study. The study was done at the SS Institute of Medical Sciences in Karnataka, India, in the Department of Radiology. From April 2019 to March 2020, this study took place. After cutting the axial paranasal sinuses into sections, multiline imaging was used to finish the coronal and sagittal models.
Results: The paranasal sinus area can be affected by different types of sores. It is very important to know about normal structural differences and birth defects in this area because they can have terrible effects or make surgery harder. The pneumatized septum and Haller cell are the types that we found to be the least common.
Conclusions: The data showed that nasal septal deviation was the most important anatomical variable. The studies showed a strong connection between one Concha bullosa and septal deviation on the opposite side.
Pages: 115-117 | Views: 65 | Downloads: 26

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Harikrishna R, JG Mathews. A CT-based investigation of paranasal air sinuse anatomical varieties: An observational cross-sectional study. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2020;3(2):115-117. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2020.v3.i2b.420
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