International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2019, Vol. 2, Issue 2, Part A

Efficacy of ultrasonography in diagnosis of pleural effusion
Dr. J Muraliswar Rao, Dr. JC Naidu, Dr. N Kiran Raju and Dr. DSSK Raju
Background: Pleural effusion is due to excessive accumulation of pleural fluid in the pleural space that exceeds the physiological amount. Pleura effusion imaging technique will play important role in diagnosis and subsequent management of the disease. Ultra sound (US) is a non radiation technique and it can be used in immediate application at the point of care.
Methods: A Prospective study. Study, containing 60 pleural effusion cases. Demographic data was collected followed by history regarding current health status, history of medication, alcoholism and Active smoking. In all the subjects, chest radiography posteroanterior data was obtained. Conventional CT of the chest was performed and ultrasound scan was recorded for each participant.
Results: In the present study encysted effusions, pleural thicknees, pleural mass and consolidation are less diagnosed by chest x-ray compared with ultrasound. The number of pleural effusions, encysted effusions, pleural thicknees, pleural mass and consolidation are equally diagnosed by ultrasound and computed tomography. The number of unilateral and bilateral are equally diagnosed by ultrasound and computed tomography.
Conclusion: Present study finding suggested that ultrasound is an easy accessible method for detection of pleural effusion and it is very helpful in detection of encysted effusions, pleural thickness, pleural mass and pleural nodules. Ultrasound will not only helpful in diagnosis of pleural effusion it will also useful in the management of pleural effusions.
Pages: 28-31 | Views: 2504 | Downloads: 1194

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. J Muraliswar Rao, Dr. JC Naidu, Dr. N Kiran Raju, Dr. DSSK Raju. Efficacy of ultrasonography in diagnosis of pleural effusion. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2019;2(2):28-31. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2019.v2.i2a.36
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