International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
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2018, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Part A

A multipara metric ultrasonographic evaluation of parenchymal thyroid diseases: An observational study
Dr. Pavani Tummala
Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate Parenchymal Thyroid Diseases with multipara metric Ultrasonography.
Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Radio-diagnosis for 12 months after taking the approval of the protocol review committee and institutional ethics committee.
Results: Out of 200, 65% were male and 35% female most of the patients between 30-40 years 45% and followed by 40-50 years was 30%. The Distribution of patients was based on diseases and each group had 40 patients. When RI values were evaluated, HM (0.49±0.05) and H (0.49±0.05) groups had statistically lower values than N (0.56±0.05) and M (0.58±0.06) groups. SWV values of EH (1.19±0.18) group were statistically lower than M (1.72±0.33) and HM (1.64±0.42) groups and values of the M group (1.72±0.33) were significantly higher than H group (1.45±0.38). In thyroid diseases, the presence of H decreased SWV, while the presence of M increased SWV.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that the resistivity index, acceleration time and shear wave velocity together are reliable for differential diagnosis of parenchymal thyroid diseases.
Pages: 27-29 | Views: 678 | Downloads: 322

International Journal of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
How to cite this article:
Dr. Pavani Tummala. A multipara metric ultrasonographic evaluation of parenchymal thyroid diseases: An observational study. Int J Radiol Diagn Imaging 2018;1(2):27-29. DOI: 10.33545/26644436.2018.v1.i2a.331
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